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It’s no secret that we’re in the middle of a solar revolution. Solar energy is becoming more affordable than ever, and it’s also more accessible than ever before. But with so many options out there, what exactly should you buy? 

How do you know if solar is right for your home? And how much will it cost? In this article, we’ll cover the basics of choosing and installing your own Solar System Brisbane so that you can make an educated decision about whether or not going solar makes sense for you!

How much energy do you need to power your home?

Before you start researching solar power or buying it, you need to understand how much energy you use in your home and how much of that needs to be replaced.

To figure out how much energy you need to power your home, there are a few things to consider:

  • How many people live in your house? If there’s only one person living in your house, the amount of energy required will be less than if two or three people live there.
  • Do all of those people have their own bedrooms? For instance, if someone is sleeping on the couch every night because they don’t have their own bedroom yet (they just moved into a new place), they’ll be using more electricity than someone who has their own room with an air conditioner/heater unit running all night long throughout summer/winter seasons (e.g., heating costs).
  • How many appliances do they use? For instance, if someone uses a laptop instead of a desktop computer and just plugs it into an extension cord instead of having its own wall socket then that person would need less electricity since laptops usually consume less power than desktop computers because they do not contain as powerful processors (CPUs).

What is the best system size for my home?

Depending on your needs and budget, you may need to install a large or small system. Here are some tips for determining the best size for your home:

  • The size of the solar panel system depends on how much energy you will use. If you have a large house or plan to add on in the future, then it makes sense to get a larger system now so that it can keep up with your growing needs later.
  • You should also consider how much money you want to spend upfront versus over time. A large installation may cost more initially but over time will pay itself off through lower electricity bills while requiring less maintenance than several smaller installations would require. 
  • Large systems also typically last longer than small ones since they have fewer moving parts and don’t corrode as easily under harsh conditions such as winter weather or desert heat waves (this is especially important if your property isn’t covered by trees). However, if money isn’t an issue for whatever reason then building several smaller units could work just fine too!

Does the solar system impact property value?

  • Solar systems are becoming more popular.
  • They can increase property value.
  • You can use solar systems to sell your home (even if you don’t use them).

Solar System Brisbane

Do I need to change my lifestyle around a solar system?

The short answer is no. The panels are safe for kids and pets, as well as your plants, so you don’t have to worry about them getting hurt in any way. Also, there’s no need for earmuffs or protective gear. You can even listen to music while the solar system is generating power!

You may still be worried about the look of your new solar system once it’s installed, but we promise that won’t be an issue either. Our panels are available in a variety of colors and styles so they’ll blend seamlessly into any yard or backyard setting.

How does a solar system work?

A solar system is an energy-generating device that uses the sun’s energy to power your home. The most common type of solar system has these parts:

  • Solar panels, which collect sunlight and convert it into electricity
  • A battery, which stores the electricity for later use
  • A controller or inverter, which powers your home by converting DC (direct current) electricity from the battery into AC (alternating current) electricity

What is the best type of solar panel for me?

The most common type of solar panel is made from silicon wafers. While this may sound like an electronics term, it refers to a material that can be used as semiconductor in a variety of applications. Silicon is one of the most abundant elements on Earth and is used in many forms in our everyday lives, so it’s no surprise that it’s also used to make solar panels!


In the end, it’s important to remember that a Solar System Brisbane is an investment—but one that can pay off big time. If you have any questions about whether solar panels are right for your home, don’t hesitate to reach out to an expert now.