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The first step to upgrading your 6.6 Kw Solar System Brisbane is to determine whether it’s necessary. If you’re interested in buying a new solar panel or inverter, for example, then you need to know if the one you currently have can support it.

The system is not performing as it should

It is also important to check your solar power system every time you see it not operating as it should. This can be done by checking the following components:

  • The inverter. Check the voltage and current being generated by your inverter, which should be displayed on a digital readout panel or small screen. If there is any fluctuation from these values, contact a professional immediately.
  • Wiring. Look for any loose connections in your wiring system that may cause damage if left unattended for too long. Remember that solar panels are connected together using high-voltage DC cable, so even if it doesn’t look like anything is wrong with your wiring, make sure everything’s secure before moving on to other checks (like checking the batteries).

The solar panels. Check the surface of your solar panels for any signs of damage, like cracks or scratches.

The solar cells inside each panel must be intact to produce power, so if they’re not in good condition, then you may need to replace them right away—or at least repair them before using the 6.6 Kw Solar System Brisbane again.

You want to produce more solar energy.

There are two ways to increase the amount of solar energy you produce:

  • Add more solar panels. This can be done by adding more panels to your existing system or replacing all of your current panels with larger ones. Either way, it will result in a larger array that produces more electricity.

    6.6 Kw Solar System Brisbane

  • Add more batteries. Adding extra batteries will allow you to store excess power and use it at night or during cloudy days, making up for any shortfall in production from the sun’s rays (even if you don’t have enough panels).
  • The downside here is that extra batteries cost money upfront and add complexity to your system; this may not be worth it if you simply want a little extra juice during peak hours but don’t mind running some appliances on off-peak hours during sunny days (or vice versa). If this seems like an improvement worth considering, then keep reading!

Examine the Inverter Capacity to Ascertain the Upgrade Type

When preparing for a solar panel upgrade, it’s important to know how much power you’ll need after the upgrade so that your project is successful.

To determine the type of upgrade, you should make, first check your current inverter capacity. If it’s more than the current solar array, then an upgrade to a larger solar array will likely be necessary for full functionality in your home or business.

If the inverter capacity is less than that of the current solar array, then an upgrade to a larger inverter may be in order instead.

If your Solar System Brisbane was installed many years ago, you might have a smaller inverter that can’t handle the current size of your solar array.

If this is the case, then it’s important to upgrade to a larger inverter before upgrading your solar panels so that your system continues to function properly.


Solar panels are durable, but they do have a limited life span. Sometimes it’s time to replace them with new ones before they stop working.

Other times it makes sense to upgrade to a more powerful inverter or add batteries so that you can store more of your solar energy for use at night or on cloudy days.

You could also upgrade your solar panels so that they generate more power than before—but this may not be necessary if you don’t need more solar electricity (and remember there are other factors in play, such as roof space). Choose the best